FluentUI FluentCard and DataGrid component overflow problem

Kategorie: c# | Development | Techblog

When using FluentCard and placing components inside of it that may overflow the boundaries of that Card-Component you may run into issues. But that is by design. There is a GitHub-Issue where a developer explains that and also offers an solution for those who want the FluentCard-component to overflow:

To have a FluentCard overflow you have to disable the „content-visibility„:

<FluentCard Style="content-visibility: inherit; contain: inherit;">

Be aware, that it may mess with some elements, that use „position: absolute;“, at least it did in my case.

Also for the DataGrid i found, that content-visibility does not help to have a dropdown-list property overflow the cell. So for the DataGrid you need to override the css-class like this:

fluent-data-grid-cell {
    overflow: visible;

Source: https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-blazor/issues/825

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